Pool Cleaning

Pool Cleaning

Swimming pool is a major investment. Protect yours with a pool maintenance package from Blue Line. We are in business to protect your investment in your swimming pool by providing the highest quality pool cleaning service at a competitive rate with a full-service pool cleaning, repair, and maintenance company servicing both residential and commercial customers.


by investing in pool maintenance, you’ll be lowering your chances of encountering a major issue with your pool when you want to use it the most. Our passion is to give all pool owners an attractive view of their pool free from stress and maintenance headaches. We know how you want to truly enjoy your swimming pools (without worrying about your pool technician) and that’s why all the work of our cleaning & maintenance technicians stands on top of our Service Satisfaction Guarantee.


Some people may find swimming pool maintenance an easy task, so that they prefer to look after their pool by themselves. However,more often than not, it entails tedious tasks. A swimming pool system consist of electro-mechanicals that need to be looked after (i.e, pumps, filters, heaters, heat pumps, skimmers, etc.) and failure to recognize symptoms of breakdowns in any of these electro-mechanicals will only result to greater damages, thus, costing you more. And let’s not forget, there are certain water parameters in which standards were already set by the industry authorities to ensure that the pool is safe to swim in, unless met, your pool can be unsafe to use.


Pool Cleaning


To keep your pool sparkling clean, regular pool maintenance is important. We offer Annual packages for periodic pool cleaning.

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